
The preschool years are a special time in the life of young children. During this period, they begin to trust others outside the family. They gain independence and self-control and learn to take initiative and assert themselves in socially acceptable ways.


The Preschool Program at Cradle

Our Pre School program is child centric and has an exciting mix of structure and freedom. We assure parents that our care and education provision will keep their children safe and will support their learning. On a typical day, a child is exposed to Language, Literature, Visual Arts, Crafts, Science, Music and Mathematics.

Apart from their regular curriculum, children can participate in various developmentally appropriate activities such as sand-water play, story time, music and dance, as well as have plenty of fun outdoors.

Preschool is a magical phase in a child’s development, where they learn to trust and grow beyond their family circle. At ENARK Cradle we ensure a captivating preschool journey, fostering trust, imparting knowledge, and nurturing curiosity in your child’s early years.


Playgroup – 9.30 am to 11.30 am

Others – 6.30 am to 12.30 pm